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river basin (江河的)流域。

river bed

Research on changes in value of ecosystem services in xilin river basin 錫林河流域生態系統服務價值變化研究

Relationship between land use and soil erosion in yellow river basin 黃河流域土地利用與土壤侵蝕的耦合關系

Types of crftworks in qingjiang river basin and their artistic features 清江流域工藝美術類型及其藝術特征

Inter - regional allocation mmodel of original water right in a river basin 跨地區流域水權初始分配模型探討

Studies on water allocation plan in fuhe river basin in jiangxi province 江西撫河流域水量分配方案研究

Hydrological and water resources problems in arid inland river basin 干旱區內陸河流域水文與水資源問題

Forecast of ecological environment water demand in yinmahe river basin 飲馬河流域生態環境需水分析預測

A study on assessment of soil erosion in area of heihe river basin 黑河水庫匯流區土壤侵蝕評判方法研究

Calculation model of water pollution induced economic loss for river basin 流域水污染經濟損失計量模型

The problems of ecological security in minjiang river basin and suggestion 閩江流域生態安全問題及建議

Generalized index system of water resource evaluation for river basin 流域水資源評價廣義指標體系研究

Application of xinanjiang three waters model in puhe river basin 新安江三水源模型在蒲河流域上的應用

Analysis of similarity for flash flood weather origin in river basin 流域暴雨洪水天氣成因相似性分析

On the tourism exploitation of taoism in the changjiang river basin 長江流域道教旅游資源及開發研究

The long - range change of drought and flood in the liao river basin 遼河流域旱澇長期變化的若干特征

Building vital projects to make full use of river basin benefits 建設龍頭骨干工程發揮流域梯級效益

Tourism development of jailing river basin 嘉陵江流域旅游開發

In one river basin , i was enchanted by the color of mountain 一處河灣,我很喜歡遠處高山的顏色。

Ecological safety of zhujiang river basin in hunan province 湖南省境內珠江流域生態安全問題及對策